


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How to install OPL PS2 theme

How to install OPL PS2 theme 

  1. Make sure to download the latest OPL version: Click Here.
  2. Then download a OPL Custom Theme that is known to work with OPL 0.9+. You can find a collection here: Click Here.

    IMPORTANT: custom themes that are designed to work with OPL 0.8* or older do not work with OPL 0.9+ or vise versa. So make sure to grab themes that are compatible.
  3. Make sure your OPL folder structure is something like this in your USB or Shared folder (-- I am not sure how the structure should be in HDD--but do let us know below if you know) -- if those folders don't exist, please add them--DO NOT add this to your Sony memory card--that is not where they should go:

    NOTE: when you download a OPL custom theme. When you extract it. You should get a folder that starts with the following prefix thm_followed by the name of the theme. (see examples below).
    NOTE: Themes are loaded and displayed from a folder name. The folder name must start with the prefix: thm_ in lowercase, what is placed after the prefix will be the name of the theme as displayed in OPL.

    IMPORTANT: OPL Disiplay settings will never display the prefix, but it won't load a theme, if it doesn't start with the prefix.

    TIP: make sure the thm_ folder has the following file: conf_theme.cfg in the root of the folder or else when you extracted the zip file, the mainthm_ folder is still deep in another sub-folder. So find it.

  4. Put each theme folder in your THM folder.

    NOTE: Themes must be inside a folder named THM in uppercase for any of the 3 devices, SMB share, HDD and USB.

    If (or when) the device is started, OPL will list the themes found at these locations:
    • SMB (Network Share)
      In the root directory or drive you set as your PS2SMB share, in a THM folder
      PS2SMB/THM/thm_My New Theme/
    • USB device
      In the root of the drive or partition set for OPL (where your games are located), in a THM folder
      mass:/THM/thm_My New Theme/
    • HDD (Internal hard drive)
      Place the THM folder in the OPL Partition of the HDD +OPL, you can create the partition if it doesn't exist, by using uLaunchELF: [FileBrowser > MISC > HddManager]
      hdd0:/+OPL/THM/thm_My New Theme/
      TIP: HDD folder structure is the same minus CDDVDand POPS folders. (Each game is a partition and__.POPS or __.POPS1 to __.POPS10 are partitions)

      IMPORTANT: Themes stored on any of these devices will not display if that device is not enabled, so be sure you enabled the device you store your themes in.
    • PS2 Memory Card
      You can put your themes on a memory card, where OPL will search for an OPL folder instead of THM:
      mc0:/OPL/thm_My New Theme/ 
      mc1:/OPL/thm_My New Theme/
      TIP: Themes that are stored on a MC must be in a folder named OPL in uppercase and are automatically enabled to use.

      WARNING: Use caution as Themes can use up valuable MC space
  5. Turn on OPL 9.x. If you had OPL running all this time, restart it.
  6. Now go to to OPL SettingsDisplay Settings. And enable the following:

    NOTE: In the example below, I have the following theme selected and loaded: thm_bo_black. Notice that in OPL, it will not display the thm_ prefix. That is normal.

    TIP: I also recommend you enable the following settings:

    A description of what each of the above settings do:
    THEMEselect any theme you have on your THM folder.
    ENABLE COVER ARTONthis enables to display your game ART -- be sure to use OPL Manager to download some ART. :)
    DISPLAY INFO PAGEONsome custom themes may not support this.
    WIDESCREENON or OFFsome custom themes will tell you whether this setting is recommended or not. So read their own set of instructions.
    OKonce you select a theme, it won't be loaded until you select the OK setting at the bottom).
  7. After the custom theme loads, you can go to the main game pages to see it loaded.

    Jay-Jay's Textures On Themes (stone theme): Main Page.

    Jay-Jay's Textures On Themes (stone theme): INFO Page.
  8. If you find one you like, Save your Changes in OPL 9.x, so that will be your new default theme.

  9. Enjoy! (if you have any questions, look at the FAQS below--! :) )

Source :


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